With Mercedes-Benz Trucks Complete, you can count on comprehensive additional protection for your diesel vehicle and eActros. The service package's wide-ranging scope includes all maintenance work, including replacements for parts prone to wear and tear. It covers absolutely everything, from arranging appointments to accounting,
Mercedes-Benz Trucks Uptime is an integral component of the Mercedes-Benz Trucks Complete ServiceContracts. Benefit from the optimum combination of intelligent vehicle networking and a Mercedes-Benz Trucks ServiceContract – and all for a low monthly rate.
and for diesel vehicles, it includes terms of up to 8 years and mileages up to 600,000 kilometres (Atego) or up to 1,000,000 kilometres (Actros, Arocs) , depending on the vehicle equipment. For the eActros, it covers terms of up to 6 years and mileages of up to 360,000 kilometres, depending on the vehicle equipment.